Dine for a Difference: host a conversation about change

In today’s post, Children’s Ground introduces its Dine for a Difference campaign - an opportunity to gather around a table with friends and family to learn more about the depth of First Nations knowledge and history and the injustices First Nations people face in Australia. Children's Ground is a not-for-profit organisation working to create a different future with First Nations children, families and communities experiencing the greatest levels of disadvantage in Australia, through a family-centred approach.

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Children’s Ground invites you to host a dinner to discuss the depth of First Nations knowledge and history and the many injustices First Nations people face in Australia through its Dine for a Difference campaign.  

First Nations people face exclusion from many mainstream systems. Racism is a common experience leading to phenomenal burdens of stress and over-representation in prison, welfare, hospitals, mortuaries, and more. Racism affects people every day, perpetuating harm and trauma.  

Cultural knowledge systems are not recognised. Culturally safe and effective education, healthcare and employment are limited or non-existent in many remote communities. Access to these services is a basic human right.

Dine For A Difference is an opportunity to connect, learn and support First Nations children. For those at home, holding a virtual event is a great way to connect with those you cannot see in person. You can find out more and sign up for the campaign here: https://diningforadifference.raisely.com/

Dine for a Difference with Children's Ground, and help create a different future for First Nations people.

Content moderator: Sue Olney